Breathwork And Cold Therapy are very safe, and incredibly good for you; as long as they are done safely. Please read through the information below to make sure this event is suitable for you. If you are not sure, you can ask us; or check with your doctor and/or qualified health practitioner.

If you suffer from any of the following, you may need a ​referral ​from your doctor or health practitioner:

  • Cardiac Illness

  • Neurological conditions

  • History of mental illness

  • Seizure disorders

  • Severe trauma

  • Uncontrollable anxiety

  • Are on any major medication

Please make sure you have this referral with you, as you may not be able to participate without it

If you are currently pregnant, then this event will not be suitable for you right now



As with all physical activities, participating involves some degree of physical and mental risk. Know your limitations, both physical and mental, and act accordingly. If you have any concerns contact us

Do not participate in any Cold and Conscious events if you have heart conditions of any kind, or are pregnant

If you choose to continue or share in any way any of the knowledge or activities you learnt or perceive to have learnt from Cold and Conscious, you do so at your own risk and claim full responsibility; You agree to not hold Cold and Conscious or any of its facilitators, representatives etc responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result

Be aware of your surroundings if practicing any activities from Cold and Conscious. Never practice in a place where losing consciousness would be dangerous (such as in water or driving a vehicle)

We are not doctors. None of this is medical advice, nor is it intended to diagnose, cure or treat any medical conditions. Any suggestions or information we offer is purely educational, and should not be regarded as medical expertise. For qualified medical advice please consult a medical professional

During our events we do take record and take photos and videos that may be used in future content or promotional material. We are mindful of your space, and will not take any footage at inappropriate times. If you do not want to be in any photos etc please let us know so that we can remove you from any content in the future.


“I hereby declare that I have completed the health and declaration and that I participate in the workshop voluntarily and entirely at my own risk. I shall not hold Cold And Conscious liable for any damages/injury resulting from participation in this workshop”


“I hereby declare that I have been adequately informed about the particulars of the Cold + Conscious workshops beforehand and that I am in good mental/physical condition. I shall not hold Cold and Conscious liable for any damages/injury resulting from participation in this workshop/event. My participation is entirely at my own risk”